Amid the many challenges the world faced this year the perfomance of the BEBUC scholars was outstanding and continued to inspire people in and out of BEBUC, that is why 2021 will forever be remembered in the history of BEBUC as one of its most amazing years. That may sound like one of those old same things that are said about BEBUC but here is why this year has been particularly special :
Three BEBUC scholars recently defended their PhD theses successfully, the joy of BEBUC comes not only from their academic excellence and perseverance but also from the positive testimonies from other people who have known these scholars for a certain period. Here are our new PhD graduates :
3. 22 scholars graduated and obtained their master degrees
This is another number that points out the efforts that scholars put in to gain knowledge and expertise for the Democratic Republic of Congo with the great support of BEBUC. Twenty-two scholars graduated and obtained their master degrees.
Among these twenty-two are six strong women whose interests span a set of different fields (Engineering, Geology, Medicine and Biology):
a. Ernestine Nigene
Ernestine Nigene (from Goma) is specialized in Structure Engineering and obtained her master degree from University of Beijing (China).
b. Germaine Bashige
Germaine Bashige (from Goma) is specialized in Hydraulic and Civil Engineering and obtained her master degree from Institut National Polytechnique de Grenoble (France).
c. Gracia Mave Dhedâasi
Gracia Mave Dhedâasi (from Kisangani) obtained her master degree in Biology and Biotechnology from Makerere University (Uganda).