A Young Academy in Democratic Republic of Congo

A new academy for young scientists in Africa. In November 2018, Karine Ndjoko, the Director and General Manager of the Excellence Scholarship Program Bourse d’Excellence Bringmann aux Universités Congolaises (BEBUC), recruited 10 advanced BEBUC scholars to create the DRC Young Academy of Sciences (DRC-YAS) – in French Académie des Sciences pour les Jeunes en République Démocratique du Congo (ASJ-RDC) – […]

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A BEBUC PhD Candidate in University of cap Town

Théodore is a PhD candidate, working in the Hydromet Research Group, Department of Chemical Engineering, at the University of Cape Town, in South Africa. He has been a BEBUC scholar since 2012 and he obtained the BEBUC Award in 2015. He currently is a holder of a bachelor degree obtained in Chemistry with four distinctions […]

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