BEBUC Excellence Scholarship Program

Empowering the next Generation's Leaders in Teaching and Research in the Democratic Republic of the Congo

Bourse d’Excellence Bringmann aux UniversitĂ©s Congolaises (BEBUC)

From 2008 to 2024 ...

25 Professors

30 PhD Graduates

177 Scholars

39.5% female scholars

2012 NGO Members

Across 5 continents and 58 countries

Our Mission

Building human capacity for teaching and leading research in the academic institutions of the DRC, with a critical mass of at least 100 permanent professors.

BEBUC is a long-term, sustainable program, focusing on higher education as the primary objective to achieve this goal.

The values promoted within the program are: Leadership, Quality, Excellence, Competitiveness, New skills and expertise, Innovation, Pertinence, Transdisciplinary Congo-Relevant Research Projects, New attitude, Partnership, Collaboration, International Networking, Ethics, Transparency, Inclusion, Gender Equality, and Resilience.

BEBUC has created efficient procedures and applies dynamic practices to select the most meriting candidates and to accompany them through the different phases of their studies until they return to their congolese home institutions as young BEBUC professors.

The Förderverein Uni Kinshasa NGO

The Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) suffers from a drastic lack of young academics. The average age of the university professors is significantly higher than the low life expectancy, so that university education will be endangered in the coming years. The excellence scholarship system BEBUC was initiated in 2008 by Prof. Gerhard Bringmann (WĂŒrzburg) and Prof. Virima Mudogo (Kinshasa), who, together with their team, pursued the development of BEBUC with creativity and visionary power. 


In 2009, the NGO Förderverein Uni Kinshasa was initiated to contribute to the rejuvenation and quality improvement of university professors, thus, to alleviate the lack of academic staff. The NGO is supported by 51 institutional members, 1927 personal members from 58 countries all around the World.

BEBUC Scholars in the world

Belgium, Burkina Faso, China, DRC, Algeria, Rwanda, Tanzania, Guyana, Vietnam, Egypt, France, Germany, Italy, Ivory Coast, Japan, Kenya, Malawi, Morocco, Nigeria, Russia, Senegal, South Africa, South Korea, Spain, Switzerland, Uganda, UK, USA, Turkey, Canada, India, and Vietnam

Our Supporters
Public institutions, Universities, private companies and NGO

OUR Events

Participate in our webinars featuring high-profile scientists and many quality panelists on various subjects

Our News