Honorary Doctorate for Gerhard Bringmann

Already before, Bringmann had been distinguished by honorary doctorates from five further Congolese universities like, recently, from the University Officielle de Bukavu, in the East of the Democratic Republic of the Congo. Bringmann has been teaching and researching at the University of Würzburg since 1987, as the holder of the Chair of Organic Chemistry I; since 2017 he has been active as a ‘senior professor’. He was mainly honored for his commitment in the context of the scholarship program BEBUC, which he initiated together with his Congolese colleague Virima Mudogo. At the same time his outstanding scientific contributions in the field of natural products chemistry were honored, like for example in the search for new agents against infectious and tumoral diseases. His work has been documented in more than 750 publications and patents. Bringmann’s scientific merits had already been distinguished several times before, e.g. by the Adolf-Windaus Medal and the Paul-J.-Scheuer Award for Marine Biotechnology, and by honorary professorships at a South African and two Chinese universities. His humanitarian commitment was honored, i.a., by the Gusi Peace Prize, by the Médaille du Mérite Civique First Class in Gold of the Congolese People, and by the medal Bene Merenti in Gold of the University of Würzburg and, very recently, by the Federal Cross of Merit at the Ribbon of the Federal Republic of Germany. Bringmann is a member of the European Academy of Sciences and Arts and of the African Academy of Sciences.