Réussite Malembaka Bugale : Master in Soil Science and former Vice-Prime Speaker of the BEBUC scholars

Réussite has been a BEBUC scholar since 2013. He was the Vice-Prime Speaker of the BEBUC scholars from 19 April 2019 to 07 April 2020. He brilliantly completed his bachelor studies with five successive distinctions at the Faculty of Agronomy, Université Catholique de Bukavu (UCB), in 2016. In 2017, he was awarded the BEBUC Master Scholarship and was admitted to the Department of Land Resource Management and Agricultural Technologies at the University of Nairobi, where he is completing his master studies in Soil Science. 

During the research of his bachelor studiesin 2016, he performed an internship at the International Institute of Tropical Agriculture, Bukavu, Kalambo Station, where he gained significant knowledge on the production of Rhizobium inoculants, on their quality control, and application for maximizing agricultural production.

In 2019, he presented an oral talk on his master research contribution to science in the “First International Symposium on Tropical African Mycology”, held in Parakou in Benin, funded by the Volks wagen Foundation. He is affiliated to the Department of Mycology and to the East African Network on Mycology. 

During the research of his master studies, he worked on developing a biological fertilizer containing mycorrhizal fungi for application on maize grown in South-Kivu, DRC, to improve plants production, soil fertility, and resistance to drought stress. He is interested in the application of lowcost technologies and climate smart agriculture practices in mitigating climate change in crop production. 

Well done, dear Réussite! Congratulations and all the best !