Patient Kubuya Binwa : A Civil Engineer and Assistant Lecturer at the Université Libre des Pays des Grands Lacs (ULPGL)

Patient has been a BEBUC scholar since 2014. He was a Deputy Speaker (2014-2017), Main Speaker (2017- 2018), Tutor (2018-2019) of the BEBUC scholars in Goma and is currently Prime Speaker of the BEBUC scholars. During his six years of bachelor studies, Patient obtained four distinctions (>75%) and two consecutive great distinctions (>80%) in G1 […]

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Richard Ampa Nasima: an Assistant Lecturer in the Faculty of Economics and Management Studies at the Université Officielle de Bukavu (UOB)

BEBUC scholar since 2014 and Tutor of the BEBUC scholars in Bukavu since October 2018, he obtained his bachelor degree in Public Economics in 2015 with great distinction (84%). As a result, he was awarded a master scholarship and successfully completed his master studies in Accounting and Finance at the University of Makerere, Uganda, with […]

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Dr. Nérée Bapolisi : A postgraduate student in Emergency Medicine and Trauma at the Alexandria University Main Hospital in Alexandria, Egypt

Nérée completed his medical studies with distinction at the Université Catholique de Bukavu (UCB) in May 2015. During the following two years, he practiced dedicatedly in the Departments of Surgery and Internal Medicine at the Hôpital Provincial Général de Référence de Bukavu, where he realized the crucial role of Acute Medicine, particularly the role of […]

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A Young Academy in Democratic Republic of Congo

A new academy for young scientists in Africa. In November 2018, Karine Ndjoko, the Director and General Manager of the Excellence Scholarship Program Bourse d’Excellence Bringmann aux Universités Congolaises (BEBUC), recruited 10 advanced BEBUC scholars to create the DRC Young Academy of Sciences (DRC-YAS) – in French Académie des Sciences pour les Jeunes en République Démocratique du Congo (ASJ-RDC) – […]

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They Made it: The First BEBUC Professors

The Excellence Scholarship Program BEBUC helps young outstanding students in the Congo to plan and successfully pursue an academic career. Meanwhile, the first 13 BEBUC scholars have reached their goal: They have been appointed professors at Congolese universities. Four of them are presented in more detail in the press release. Prof. Dr. Vivi Maketa, the […]

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Honour for Professor of Chemistry at the University of Würzburg: Bavarian Minister of Science Bernd Sibler bestows the Federal Cross of Merit on Professor Gerhard Bringmann.

Bavarian Minister of Science, Bernd Sibler, bestowed the Cross of the Order of Merit of the Federal Republic of Germany on Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. mult. Gerhard Bringmann. The occasion is his decades of commitment to research and teaching and the academic self-administration of the University of Würzburg as well as his dedication to the […]

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Richesse Gala Basomi : BEBUC scholar and master student in Science and Environnement Management in Developing Contries at the Université de Liège, Belgium

Richesse has been a BEBUC scholar since 2015. In 2018, she completed her bachelor studies in Biology at the Université Officielle de Bukavu (UOB) with three distinctions. She is currently pursuing her specialized master studies in Sciences and Environment Management in Developing Countries at the Université de Liège in Belgium since September 2019. Thanks to […]

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A BEBUC PhD Candidate in University of cap Town

Théodore is a PhD candidate, working in the Hydromet Research Group, Department of Chemical Engineering, at the University of Cape Town, in South Africa. He has been a BEBUC scholar since 2012 and he obtained the BEBUC Award in 2015. He currently is a holder of a bachelor degree obtained in Chemistry with four distinctions […]

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